SMEBFC organizes training programs, seminars, workshops, and capacity-building events of short duration in major cities of South Punjab to raise awareness and build the capacity of SMEs. Training programs are based on needs shared by stakeholders and designed to ensure affordability and innovation. Training programs aim to enhance knowledge and skills. Training programs also enhance competencies in the technical, marketing, financial, compliance, policy, regulatory, legal, commercial, other important functions and a positive change in behavior as an entrepreneur. These programs help to improve major performance indicators such as productivity, quality, competitiveness, sustainability, etc. The programs lead to improvement in export potential, investment promotion, business transparency, human resource development, managerial capacity building, etc. These programs help to decrease the level of SME mortality and increasing efficiency.
Functions Brief
- Backstopping CCIs and TBs in identifying focused priority training programs for SMEs in priority areas
- Establishing a database of Training Service Providers (TSPs) individuals, both in public and private sectors for SME training
- Developing and launching SME focused priority training through TSPs
- Creating awareness in educational institutions to develop liaison with SME sector to fulfill their HR and R & D needs
- Establishing key performance indicators and feedback systems for review & evaluation